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Beloved Bright and Morning Star!

To Whom it May Concern

Please consider this as a recommendation for Jan Colemen whom we have known for the past 10 years.  We have been in Christian circles with her and found her to be a person of impeccable moral character.  She is a great woman of prayer and her goals are entirely centered on the ministry of Christ Jesus intended for all born again, spirit filled people in the Body of Christ.  She is unwavering and bold in her faith, and very knowledgeable in the Word of God.  

As Pastors and Missionaries we would highly recommend her to any church or organization and we would feel she would be a tremendous asset wherever she goes..

In His Services
Lee and Chris Sullivan
PO Box 167
Dallas Tx 75221


Dear Pastors

We would like to take this opportunity to recommend a fellow minister in the Lord.  Jan Coleman, whom we have had the privilege of knowing now for many years, it is as best as can be said, "Like David, a man after God's own heart" Jan is definitely a lady who is after God's heart, and is very pleasing to the Father.

We feel that your congregation would benefit and be uplifted by the anointing that God has placed upon Jan, and would be challenged in their walk as well.  Having had opportunity to minister with and for Jan, we would stand behind her, and hold her in our prayers, as one who is indeed called to the minstry.

Thank you and God bless You
Phil 1:3-6

Terry & Debbie Fancher
Zoe Ministries Inc.,
PO Box 1591
Whitehouse, Tx 75791